
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Digital Fluency Intensive 5

Here we are again with the fifth DFI session.  

Have learnt about screen-casting which is incredibly valuable.

Other learnings:

🗹 "Explain Everything" on the Ipad.

🗹  Going over "Digital Dig."

🗹  Going over "Cybersmart Curriculum.

NOTE:  I can see huge value in using much of the Manaiakalani resources for school Digital Strategic Planning.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Day 4 of Digital Fluency Intensive

What did I learn that could be used with my learners? 

🗹  Google Sheets:  Using "natural language" to ask questions around the data.  Creating more meaningful charts to suit my questions.

🗹  The group dialogue around SHARE and the importance of relating to an "audience."

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?

🗹  Using Google Sheets charts is most relevant to my work.  For example: I can create a chart and make a "live link" to the number of blog posts for each student and the chart will be updated automatically over time without me having to go and update data manually.

Friday, March 15, 2019

DAY 3 - Digital Fluency Intensive

My Learning Today:

🗹  Setting up Youtube channel.
🗹  How to livestream.
🗹 Reviewed Slides
🗹 Made a gadget for my blog.

What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

Creativity Empowers Learners
To quote Hornby Secondary school Principal - "We are pushing hard to develop the use of digital tools in our students' learning. Digital tools are acknowledged as an accelerator of learning, as long as they are used with new pedagogies. Using new technology to do what we have always done is, as Alan November would say, simply creating a $1000 pencil.
The evidence being accumulated by the Woolf Fisher Research Centre out of Auckland University supports the belief that the technology, combined with the Learn Create Share pedagogy, is an accelerator. Actually it's more than that, it's a game changer for our learners.”

What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow as a professional?
I am learning to switch more confidently between Google apps which will indeed improve my workflow.

What did I learn that could be used with my learners?

My learners are not children but adults involved in education. I would like to encourage my colleagues to invest in more time 

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my personal life?
My confidence is growing daily as I use the tools and tricks of the trade in my usual workflow.

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Visible Learning:

I can see many parallels between the Maniaiakalani LEARN CREATE SHARE pedagogy and "Visible Learning" . (John Hattie stuff).  I would like to provide some posts and draw some connections if I can.  Here's a start . . .  check this blog . . .

Liked this - it is part of the above blog coming from Carol Dweck of Growth Mindsets fame. . . 

dweck final

Thursday, March 7, 2019

DFI Day 2

These are some of my learnings from the Digital Fluency Intensive today. Friday 7 March.

  • Organising my emails.
  • Google Keep
  • Practiced Google Hangout.  Very successful.
  • Toby
  • Organising my calendar better.
  • Linking my google stuff to my phone.
  • Installed LOOM on my computer and learnt how to record and present my screen with speech to a Hangout group.  (Thanks Herman for your help)
A thought:  At our Manaiakalani PLG yesterday we discussed the importance of our Cluster having a "roadmap."  A sample framework for creating a Roadmap has been sent out to Principals but much work by each school is needed to complete it so as to reflect the particular school's unique character.
The LEARN, CREATE, SHARE pedagogy is a great place to start.

The above "LEARN" set of slides prepared by Dorothy is an excellent place to start the thinking.

How Herman helped me learn to embed a recording.

My Reflections on todays Learning at the Digital Learning Intensive.  (i.e. my first try at embedding a recording)