
Wednesday, July 3, 2019

If you're smart you will work out a way to look good when you are really on show . . . these guys worked it out . . .

Connected Learning means "Sharing"

  • Sharing is a human instinct since the beginning of time 
  • Sharing positively makes a positive difference to our lives - academically and to our wellbeing
  • Current medium for technology includes digital
  • Digital has REACH and SPEED advantage

otherwise my friends . . .

“My Dear Wormwood, be sure that the patient remains completely fixated on politics.

Arguments, political gossip, and obsessing on the faults of people they have never met serves as an excellent distraction from advancing in personal virtue, character, and the things the patient can control.

Make sure to keep the patient in a constant state of angst, frustration, and general disdain towards the rest of the human race in order to avoid any kind of charity or inner peace from further developing.

Ensure that the patient continues to believe that the problem is "out there" in the "broken system" rather than recognising there is a problem with himself.”

Keep up the good work people,

From C.S. Lewis

More on Manaiakalani Community, Pedagogy and leadership (these are fundamental)

FOR . . . 

Woolf-Fisher Research Centre Reasearch

Important research around the Manaiakalani Pedagogy.

This is work in progress but at this stage it looks like emerging evidence that there is an acceleration of writing progress and big gains with a Summer Learning Journey programme. 

and . . .